A broken Heart in a Dark Miami Alleyway

While in Miami late one night with a couple of friends witnessing, I walked down an alleyway to find a bathroom. There I met a young man named Fabio and began to chat with him about his spiritual beliefs. He invited me to walk with him back to his place. Tears started to roll down his face as he shared with me some the challenges he was facing, including losing his job that very evening!

My heart went out to him because he was very broken! Sometimes life can be so difficult. I told Fabio about some of the challenges I’ve faced and how God has not only helped me through them, but has used them all to bring me closer to Him.

I explained to him that our greatest challenge is the fact that God is good and we are not and then walked him through some of the Ten Commandments to help him see our desperate need for the Savior. I gladly shared with him what the Lord has done to make a way for us to be forgiven. He demonstrated His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!

Fabio told me that he had just recently begun to read the Bible and attend a local church, but was not willing to surrender his life to Christ.

I love the way God orders our steps! I would have never met this broken young man had I not gone looking for a bathroom along a random alleyway in Miami in the middle of the night! God always leads us to the right people.

Pray for God to direct your steps today and to give you opportunities to testify to the Gospel of His grace!

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